
  • Deshea Vernanda Puteri Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Brawijaya University, Indonesia


Employability Skill, Grit, Work World Information, Work Readiness


The objective of this research is to explain the effects of employability skill and grit on the occupational readiness of the final-year students of Faculty of Administration Science of Universitas Brawijaya with information about working world as the moderator. Using probability sampling method and proportionate stratified random sampling, 96 people were selected as the respondents of this explanatory research. The data was harvested via Likert-scaled questionnaires and the analysis was performed in SPSS version 25. This study finds that (1) employability skill and grit simultaneously have significant impacts on the occupational readiness of the final-year students, (2) that employability skill positively and significantly affects the occupational readiness of the final-year students, (3) that grit has no significant influence on the occupational readiness of the final-year students, (4) that information about working world moderates (weakens) the relationship between employability skill and the occupational readiness of the final-year students, and that (5) information about working world does not moderate the impact of grit on the occupational readiness of the final-year students. Furthermore, this study also reveals that the coefficient of determination for the occupational readiness of the final-year students of Faculty of Administration Science of Universitas Brawijaya is 73.4%.


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